
Svake sezone, ispred sebe postavim neki cilj i kada ga ostvariš naravno da ti je drago, pre svega zbog igrača jer znaš koliko su truda uložili. U tom cilju morate svi zajedno da se pronađete još prvog dana priprema. Igrači jedino o čemu tada treba da razmišljaju je košarka. Posle tek dolazi i deo gde sa njima pravim filozofiju kako treba da igramo i šta je ono na čemu najviše treba da radimo. To je za mene veliko zadovoljstvo. Ali, postoji i druga vrsta zadovoljstva, a to je da ne moraš da budeš prvi i najbolji ako znaš da si dao sve od sebe. Uvek sam to tražio od igrača. Opet, lepo je i kada znaš da je prosek navijača po utakmici Fenerbahčea bio 0.000 kada sam došao, a da je sada 00.000. Na prvoj konferenciji sam rekao da je ta hala sada moja kuća i da želim da bude puna na svakom meču. Trenutno imamo 0.000 pretplatnih karata i imali bismo i više, ali rukovodstvo ne želi da ih pusti u prodaju da bi i mladi dobili priliku da kupuju karte. To je suština. To je velika pobeda, jer su ljudi prepoznali dobru košarku, tako da i s te strane možete ostvarivati uspehe i crpeti energiju.


Every season, in front of me put a goal and when were realized of course it's expensive, especially for the players because you know how much effort invested. For this purpose, you need all together to find the first day of preparation. Players only thing you then need to think about is basketball. After only comes the part where I say to them the philosophy of how to play and what is what we most need to do. This is a great satisfaction for me. But there is another kind of satisfaction, and that is that you do not have to be first and best if you know you did your best. I've always asked of the players. Again, it's nice when you know that the average fans per game, Fenerbahce was 0000 when I came, and it is now 00,000. At the first press conference I said that this hall is now my home and I want to be a full on every match. We currently have 0. 000 season tickets and we would have more, but the management does not want to let them go on sale to the young people get the chance to buy tickets. This is the essence. This is a great victory, because people recognize good basketball, so is this hand you can achieve success and derive energy.

(5000 karakter kaldı)

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