
Kada ste dolazili u Fener, predsednik kluba vam je rekao: Željko, izvoli, imaš odrešene ruke. Je l to recept za uspeh? - Ponosan na saradnju sa Azimom Jildirimom, koji je predsednik više od 00 godina. Od prvog momenta sam imao njegovu podršku. Na početku prošle godine insistirao je da potpišem novi ugovor na tri godine i to sam i uradio. Pokazao je da mi veruje i samo mogu da budem zahvalan na tome što je prepoznao da je to poverenje zaista važna stvar. Treneru je jako bitno kada oseti da ima podršku prvog čoveka kluba.


When you came in Fener, club president you said Zeljko, go ahead, you have a free hand. Is this a recipe for success? - I am proud to cooperate with Jildirimom Azim, who was president for more than 00 years. From the first moment I had his support. At the beginning of last year, he insisted that I sign a new contract for three years and that's what I did. He has shown that he trusts me and I can only be grateful that he recognized that this trust is really important. Coach is very important when he feels he has the support of the club.

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