
Menjaju li vam se Beograd i Čačak? - Naravno. Iz Čačka sam otišao pre 00 godine, majka mi je i dalje dole. I sad kad odemTamo, volim da prošetam, da vidim šta se sve promenilo, da vidim ljude. Međutim, najiskrenije, retko koga i prepoznam, osim kad se s nekim dogovorim da se vidim. Beograd je, opet, postao jako atraktivan, pun je turista, Turci recimo masovno dolaze i još mi niko nije rekao da je nezadovoljan. Čim broj turista raste, znači i da grad ima šta da ponudi.


Did you change the Belgrade and Cacak? - Of course. Cacak I left 00 years ago, my mother is still down. And now when I go there, I like to walk, to see what has changed, to see people. However, most honest, and who rarely recognize, unless they come up with some agreement to see. Belgrade, in turn, became very attractive, full of tourists, the Turks say droves and no one told me that he was dissatisfied. As soon as the growing number of tourists, means that the city has something to offer.

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