
„Pogledajte to iz psihološkog ugla. On je nov i dobar je momak i želi da se uklopi…Imaćemo problema da postignemo koševe. On je dobar šuter i dobar plejmejker, tako da će mi biti potrebno da postiže poene. On zna da igra. On zna da se otvori, a mi se mučimo da se naši igrači otvore. Zna da baci pravi pas, odigra pik-en-rol, doda loptu dok se kreće, doda loptu i utrči“.


"Look at it from a psychological angle. He's new and he's a good guy and wants to fit ... We will have problems to reach the baskets. He's a good shooter and a good point guard, so we will need to score points. He knows how to play. He knows how to open up, and we're struggling to get our players open. Knows how to throw a real dog, play a pick-a-roll, pass the ball while moving, pass the ball and the race ".

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