
Vitreum je transparentna , bezbojna , zalatinozna masa koja ispunjava prostor izmedju retine i sociva, zauzimajuci centralni polozaj u ocnoj jabucici.Nastaje od celija iz nepigmentnog dela cilijarnog tela .Vitreum je oslonjen na retinu, i jedna od njegovih osnovnih funkcija je da podrzava retinu i posredno horoideu. Nije spojen sa retinom osim na nivou optickog zivca i ore sertae ( mestu gde se retina zavrsava , put napred ) kao i na zadnjoj strani sociva, sto pravi vezu koja se zove: Wieger-band.Nije spojena sa makulom


Vitreum is transparent, colorless, zalatinozna mass that fills the space between the retina and the lens, occupying a central position in the eye jabucici.Nastaje of cells from nepigmentnog work .Vitreum ciliary body is resting on the retina, and one of its primary function is to support the retina and indirectly choroid. It is not connected with Retina except at the level of the optical nerve and ore Sertao (the place where the retina ends, put forward) as well as at the rear of the lens, which creates a link called: Wieger-band.Nije connected to the macula

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