
Slobine stvari su poslate jos pre par nedelja, pre dolaska njegove mame i cele španske serije. Samo što su mu tek sad dostavljene. Zbog čega, to morate druge da pitate. Kao i njegova pesma, koja je predata jos davno, ali opet nije do mene”, kaže Kija za

Na pitanje šta ima u planu da radi, i da li je istina da ulazi u Zadrugu, Kija kaže da nema ni govora o tome.


Slobo's actually been sent yet a few weeks ago, before the arrival of his mother and the whole of the Spanish series. Just as it is only now delivered. Why, you need to ask others to. Like his songs, submitted a long time ago, but still not up to me, "says Kee for

When asked what he plans to do, and whether it is true that entering into a cooperative, Kee says there is no question of tome.

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